Cheaper Apple Vision Headset Likely to Launch by End of 2025

Apple still plans to launch a more affordable version of its Vision Pro headset by the end of 2025, with the non-Pro model likely to be called "Apple Vision One," or more simply, "Apple Vision," according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.

vision pro headset
Writing in his latest Power On newsletter, Gurman reiterated his understanding that Apple is working on a cheaper version of its headset, signaling that it is pursuing a two-product strategy, like it does by offering a standard iPhone and iPhone Pro.

Since the Vision Pro's $3,499 price is thought to be at or near the cost to make it, Gurman speculates that Apple could replace the twin 4K microLED displays and M2 Apple silicon chip with cheaper alternative components, and use fewer cameras.

The company could also go with a simpler headband design with no integrated speakers, requiring wearers to use AirPods for spatial audio instead. However, there are a few things Gurman believes Apple will not compromise on:

"The external screen, known as EyeSight, to show a wearer's eyes, as well as the eye- and hand-tracking system, are as core to the Apple Vision as a touchscreen is to an iPhone. I would expect a cheaper model to keep those features."

Speculating on headset rumors before Apple unveiled Vision Pro, some commentators suggested it would make no sense to add the financial cost of an outward-facing display to the already expensive device and sap its battery life even quicker, but Apple clearly regards the EyeSight feature as a key differentiator from enclosed AR/VR headsets, and the one that allows users to feel like they remain in touch with other people.

Achieving cheaper material costs in other areas, combined with a more streamlined production process, could allow Apple to reduce the price of the headset by several hundred dollars, according to Gurman.

Apple's plan to release a cheaper version of its "spatial computing" headset was first reported in January by The Information and Bloomberg. Industry analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has also reported Apple's intention to have a two-tiered headset category lineup by the end of 2025.

Related Roundup: Apple Vision Pro
Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro

Top Rated Comments

ipedro Avatar
7 months ago
I don’t believe that Apple would compromise on image quality or head and hand tracking accuracy. What they announced is the baseline going forward. The illusion depends on accurate head tracking, anchoring and replicating reality outside the headset with no perceptible pixels.

When has Apple gone back on specs on the iPhone, Mac, iPad, Watch etc? Cheap iPhones have Retina displays. They simply use the previous year's chips, screens, cameras etc. 2025's VisionPro will use an M3 or M4 while the Apple Vision entry tier would continue using the M2 – at that point, over 2 years old and mass produced for Macs, iPads and probably even iPhones. It'll be cheap silicon.

I can imagine dropping the audio pods (bring your own AirPods) and making adjustments manual like Mark mentioned. Unlike what Gurman thinks, EyeSight might be sacrificed. While preventing isolation is a part of their philosophy, price minded people will be fine without it. It's an expensive non essential component.

Apple is making a big bet on 3D content made for Apple Vision becoming ubiquitous. They'll double down on it. Not only is it staying as a part of any Apple Vision tier, I believe we'll see 3D cameras on every iPhone and iPad going forward to help build that desire to experience your library on an Apple Vision and drive sales and adoption.

While the Vision Pro will be released in Q1 23, they'll reset to a September update schedule like they did with the 2nd gen iPhone, giving them almost 2 years to update it, after which point, the Vision Pro's components will have been more commoditized. "Cheaper" will probably still mean in the high thousand plus, probably $1,999.
Score: 25 Votes (Like | Disagree)
currocj Avatar
7 months ago
Several hundreds less? What are we talking here? $2500? $2000? $1500? All those still seem out of reach for most
Score: 19 Votes (Like | Disagree)
amaze1499 Avatar
7 months ago
The more often I see the picture with those artificial eyes, knowing there is just a monitor, the more creepy it becomes.

Surrogates just became reality.
Score: 18 Votes (Like | Disagree)
floral Avatar
7 months ago
You're still not catching a glance from me unless you go under $500 or so.
Score: 17 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Bustycat Avatar
7 months ago

My understanding was that the screens in this monstrosity of a device were OLED.
So many people confuse micro-OLED with microLED.
Score: 15 Votes (Like | Disagree)
boss.king Avatar
7 months ago
I already have very little faith in Apple's naming ability, but if they call the lesser headset Apple Vision One instead of just Apple Vision then someone over there needs to lose their job.
Score: 15 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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