Vision Pro 2 Rumored to Gain Brighter and More Efficient Displays

Apple's second-generation Vision Pro headset will feature more advanced micro-OLED displays that offer higher brightness and improved efficiency, according to market research firm Omdia (via The Elec).

apple vision pro lenses
Apple is reportedly planning to upgrade the Vision Pro to an RGB OLEDoS display in 2027, a notable improvement over the WOLED with color filter used in the first-generation model. RGB OLEDoS technology produces light and color directly from nearby RGB sub-pixels on a single layer, putting an end to the need for a color filter.

This results in significantly higher brightness compared to WOLED and color filter OLEDoS displays, which depend on filtering white light through an RGB color layer. It is also markedly more efficient than WOLED and color filter technology.

Samsung is currently the only company capable of supplying RGB OLEDoS displays following its acquisition of eMagin earlier this year, with the company likely set to take over from Sony in Apple's supply chain if it proceeds with the upgrade.

Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, like Omdia, previously mentioned a 2027 launch time frame for the second-generation Vision Pro headset. He said that it is possible there will be no hardware updates for the Vision Pro until then. There have been several reports of Apple planning to launch a lower-cost headset as soon as 2025, but there is some skepticism about whether these plans are still in place.

Related Roundup: Apple Vision Pro
Tag: Omdia
Related Forum: Apple Vision Pro

Top Rated Comments

jo-1 Avatar
1 day ago at 05:23 am

Imagine you spend $3,499 and one year later the next model ist brighter, lighter and faster. Of course that happens with many products, but it is always frustrating. That's why I usually do not buy the first model.
well - I am exactly in that situation but imagine waiting another three years until you'll get something better!

I am still thrilled by the idea of the AVP and I am first in line in Europe to get one - probably later in 2024 - but the same will probably apply for 2027 - potentially end of 2027.

A lot can happen and since we're living in risky times it might not even be possible ( for me ) to spend that amount of money in 2027.

I have learned in my life that the time is alway now and I stopped searching for reasons or foolish ideas to avoid things. In case I want something I get it now in case I am willing to use it.

Just got a multitude of investment for new high end speakers that excel this investment by 20x only for speakers.

So it's probably a question of your monetary situation in life.

I will get the AVP at day one in my area - probably not before May or June 2024 - but there will be other toys like the new Sony GM 300 f/2.8 before that to bridge the gap.

Compared to the new lens ( also on order ) the new AVP is only half the price. So it's all relative.

After all I go to work to do such interesting endeavors ?
Score: 13 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Sorinut Avatar
1 day ago at 05:26 am

Pretty much every first gen Apple product is gimped.
Except the M1 Air; it's fantastic.

I still waited a good six months before I ordered one, though. I'm not an early adopter and prefer everyone else test out new tech first.
Score: 13 Votes (Like | Disagree)
Skyscraperfan Avatar
1 day ago at 05:16 am
Imagine you spend $3,499 and one year later the next model ist brighter, lighter and faster. Of course that happens with many products, but it is always frustrating. That's why I usually do not buy the first model.
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
foobarbaz Avatar
1 day ago at 05:17 am
Oof, no upgrade for over 3 years? When it's already not using the latest chip?
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
aParkerMusic Avatar
1 day ago at 05:36 am

Imagine you spend $3,499 and one year later the next model ist brighter, lighter and faster. Of course that happens with many products, but it is always frustrating. That's why I usually do not buy the first model.
But this article is about that happening after 3 years, not 1. So…
Score: 11 Votes (Like | Disagree)
brofkand Avatar
1 day ago at 05:22 am

Imagine you spend $3,499 and one year later the next model ist brighter, lighter and faster. Of course that happens with many products, but it is always frustrating. That's why I usually do not buy the first model.
Pretty much every first gen Apple product is gimped.
Score: 10 Votes (Like | Disagree)

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